
Night work health risks

Night shifts, afternoon shifts and weekend work cause the main problems, because they may be out of phase with the rest of the community, particularly family and friends. The interaction between health and safety effects and the impacts on family and social life can have significant outcomes for the general health of those working shift work and Health Effects of Shift Work - Kolmodin-Hedman B, Swensson A. Problems related to shift work. A field study of Swedish railroad workers with irregular work hours. Scand J Work Environ Health. 1975 Dec; 1 (4):254-262. Kales A, Wilson T, Kales JD, Jacobson A, Paulson MJ, Kollar E, Walter RD. Measurements of all-night sleep in normal elderly persons: effects of aging.

Night Work Boosts Risk of Cancer, Heart Disease - Newsmax "I think the important message in this study is really the longer you work rotating night shifts in your career, your risks for developing cardiovascular disease or cancer increase," said Carol Landis, an expert in sleep and health at the University of Washington School of Nursing in Seattle. PDF How to Manage Shiftwork: Guide - A recent Australian study which compared the effects of alcohol and sleep loss on work performance showed that shiftworkers who have had one sleepless night can be as great a workplace hazard as someone who has been drinking alcohol. Health effects Shiftworkers and former shiftworkers show more signs of ill health than people on fixed day work. Night working hours - GOV.UK Additional rules apply to night workers on top of the rules on maximum weekly working hours and rest breaks. Night workers must not work more than an average of 8 hours in a 24-hour period.

health and safety effects are always considered in planning rosters and working ... the hazards and levels of risk associated with shift work, night work and.

What are the Effects of Demanding Work Schedules? Long work hours and extended and irregular shifts may lead to fatigue and to physical and mental stress. Working extended shifts may also involve prolonged exposure to potential health hazards such as noise, chemicals, and others. 5 health risks of shift work - According to data collected from US Nurses’ Health Study, in which 240,000 nurses were followed for 30 years, women who work for many years on the night shift have an elevated risk of breast, colon and endometrial cancer. Shift work and health: What is the research telling us ...

In this video, Dr. Chris Harvey from the Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience (SCNi) institute at the University of Oxford looks at the effects that night shift work can have on your physical and ...

Sleep scientist Dr. Chris Harvey on the effects of night ... In this video, Dr. Chris Harvey from the Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience (SCNi) institute at the University of Oxford looks at the effects that night shift work can have on your physical and ... Night working - a foreseeable health and safety risk ... The Times recently reported that workers who work the night shift often suffer from ill health. Some examples include heart disease, obesity, sleep disorders and in extreme cases cancer. Due to this, employers must remain vigilant in order to ensure compliance with the law that governs night workers and to minimise potential life-threatening ...

Shift work - Wikipedia

The risk for ulcers in the small intestine was nearly double in night shift workers. Other Concerns The sleep deprivation that usually results from working nights can cause lapses in judgment, reduced cognitive ability and decreased attention, making night shift workers more vulnerable to car accidents and work errors. Tips For Night Shift Workers - Genesis Health System Tips For Night Shift Workers. To minimize the side effects of working irregular hours, major adjustments must be made in every day living which require the understanding and support of your family and friends. The home must provide a quiet environment, allowing the worker to have as much uninterrupted sleep as possible.

[Full text] The impact of shift work on the psychological and ...

PDF Health and Safety Executive Managing shiftwork Managing shift work Page 4 of 45 Health and Safety Executive Introduction 1 This guidance aims to improve safety and reduce ill health by: n making employers aware of their duty under law to assess any risks associated Example Risk Assessment Templates - Example risk assessment templates Download Electronic Risk Score Calculator Here: Riskex Risk Score Calculator 1 These completed examples from UK Health and Safety Directive in their cases studies section show really well how many other other businesses similar to yours have tackled the sometime taunting task of completing even basic risk assessments and analysis. Night Worker Assessments | Wrightway Health Night Worker Assessments. A night worker is anyone who regularly works for more than three hours between 11pm and 6am. Under the Working Time Regulations (1998), night workers are entitled to free regular health assessments. All employers have a duty of care to offer night workers an initial assessment and subsequent annual assessments. PDF The effects of shift work on the lives of employees

"It is usually considered that night shift work impairs health, but we were still surprised by the increased risks attributed to long-term night shift work when we integrated the statistics together," study author Xueli Ma, assistant professor at West China Hospital, Sichuan University, said in an interview with Oncology Nursing News. Is working the night shift unhealthy? - This Just In - CNN ... Those problems, the researchers said, include increased risks of obesity, hypertension and diabetes." Bottom Line: While much more research needs to be done into the health effects of night-shift work, studies suggest possible links between night shift work and serious health problems. - CNN's Tim Langmaid contributed to this report. PDF Night working and health assessments - WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW safety-guide_night_work_health_assessments.doc 1 06 Aug. 13 GUIDE TO BBC NIGHT WORK HEALTH ASSESSMENTS - WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW (1st Aug 2010). 1 You are entitled to receive a BBC night worker health assessment if you regularly work at least three hours Night-shift work and risk of breast cancer: a systematic ... Li W (2011) Magnetic fields, night shift work and the risk of breast cancer among female textile workers in Shanghai, China. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, University of Washington School of Public Health Google Scholar